Roadtrip 2023 Fall : Richland - Bend - Reno - Mammoth Lakes - Henderson - Donkey Heaven - Sedona - Joshua Tree - Paso Robles - St Helena - Brookings - Seaside

Day 60 - Brookings to Seaside

A heavy mist sweeps over Brookings. This stuff really gets you wet, but is invisible to weather radar and doesn't even show up in satellite images. Wildfire Lab weather experiment? They have tried stuff like this before.

This takes a lot of trust - especially when you suspect Wildfire is in the area..

Russ skillfully commands truck through a rift in the space time continuum. Must be a sure sign that those pesky Wildfires are certainly around this morning.

Stampede in the mist.

Christmas in the mist.

Eeeeeyagh!! The Mist!!

Our lunch spot in Bandon. Lunch from Coastal (you guessed it) Mist.

Riverside in Coos Bay.

Sawdust sifting?

One of the Oregon Coast's famous bridges - many built in this green girder style. This one spans the Siuslaw River at Florence.

Rhodo Days in Florence. They are way early with promoting this one.

Just for Garry: See? There is one lighthouse visible from US 101.

Pelican's newest brew pub in Lincoln City. This one is definitely the flagship restaurant now.

Lit up like the fourth of July.

just hangin' out at the ice cream place.

Wheeler is set for the season.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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